Monday, July 20, 2009

At, video and social marketing go hand in glove - via Internet Retailer

"At, about 1,700 unique visitors view videos each day and the retailer distributes its videos liberally across a wide variety of marketing channels, including e-mail campaigns, affiliate programs and on various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Videos from posted on YouTube since last fall have been watched by almost 19,000 unique visitors."'s videos are product demos, hosted by category/product managers, with the occasional event video (overstock sale, brand advertising or the 10 millionth bag delivered...)

One cool feature is the 'BUY NOW' button in the video player control panel, which enables viewers to browse product thumbnails from the featured product to help jumpstart the shopping process. The video center and player are provided by LiveClicker.

The whole story from Internet Retailer is here.
And the video section is here.
And hereunder the video of the 10 millionth bag delivered :

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