Opinion: Social networking sites have little influence on e-commerce, says JupiterResearch.
From an article by Evan Schuman, editor of CIOInsight.com's Retail industry center, on eWeek.com: E-Commerce Sites Aren't Too Social
e-commerce trends and players, social commerce and Web social whatnots...
Opinion: Social networking sites have little influence on e-commerce, says JupiterResearch.
From an article by Evan Schuman, editor of CIOInsight.com's Retail industry center, on eWeek.com: E-Commerce Sites Aren't Too Social
Posted by Michael S. Levy at 3:47 PM
A large part of Facebook's rise, has been its platform, an 'open source' policy with regard to the creation of Facebook applications. The result has been twofold: A huge demand for fun and informative applications and the corresponding, explosive proliferation of applications created for the site.
From Practical eCommerce:
Posted by Michael S. Levy at 1:10 PM