Wednesday, March 10, 2010

E-commerce innovations: extreme retailing

Are you ready for "Extreme Retailing" ?
E-commerce has evolved more in the last 12 months than in the last 12 years, with a combination of entertainment, game mechanics, and innovative shopping models.

According to Megan Conniff from the US National Retail Federation's big blog, here are 3 ongoing trends:

1. Deals and discounts (
2. Urgency retailing (
3. Private shopping clubs ( and its hundreds of copycats worldwide)

And here are 5 upcoming trends:

1. Local discovery & promotion (
2. Mobile empowerment
3. Community and crowdsourcing (
4. Mass customization
5. Game Mechanics/entertainment commerce (

I so agree with Megan (and with Jochen and Jason from Exciting Commerce, a recommended read by the way...)!

Bonus: here's a video of Joshua Goldman's presentation at the Retail Innovation & Marketing Conference, explaining's killer commerce model:

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